Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm a Denier.

Semi-interesting article on global warming:

Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate - Forbes

Most interesting part was the comments section. I really like this guy's explanation:

henrymiller 1 day ago

I’m making no positive assertion concerning the efficacy of a field of study as either explanatory or predictive. I don’t have to prove anything.

The “climate scientists,” on the other hand, are claiming that their “science” is sufficiently predictive that humanity should invest way-of-life-threatening resources in averting their predictions. The ability to predict future events requires understanding of both past and current events; proof of the ability to predict future events requires demonstration of an ability to predict, based on data as of a specified time in the past, consequent events that in fact coincide with the known consequent events.

Climate “science” meets none of these requirements. It cannot explain known historical events even of the recent past–like the MWP and the LIA–let alone the more profound events of the distant past such as the Younger Dryas. Even less can it can it predict in models the MWP or the LIA based on data from prior to those events.

Astrology and chicken entrails I said, and astrology and chicken entrails I meant. Until climate “science” can model known historical events, it’s useless as a predictor of future events, and it would be profoundly foolish for humanity to waste resources on chicken-entrail predictions.

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