Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Just witnessed the TSA marching in the austin airport concourse. I find it sickening:  teaching the brown-shirts to march. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Scary Math Behind The Mechanics Of QE3, And Why Bernanke's Hands May Be Tied | ZeroHedge

I know what you're thinking:  I should be more careful and take my meds as prescribed...  It isn't just that each successive round of money printing has less of a psychological effect on the market.  It is that the Fed is running out of bonds to monetize.  Wow.

The Scary Math Behind The Mechanics Of QE3, And Why Bernanke's Hands May Be Tied | ZeroHedge

Friday, September 7, 2012

Santelli: Where Did Scotty Beam All the Unemployed?

Santelli: Where Did Scotty Beam All the Unemployed?

Thought you all might enjoy this.  By the way, I'm readying Currency Wars.  Intro and analysis of first two of three world currency wars are riveting.  Loses its way a bit toward the end.  But, very illuminating.  I have been calling it a race to the bottom with currency devaluations.  I think currency wars are a better description.  
