Sunday, July 31, 2011


The idea the biggest CRISIS we have is our government may lose its AAA rating or may even default without legislative action to borrow more money is a tough one to swallow. The current situation is more accurately described by noting the ruling Republicrats (see earlier post about a one-party system) are simply arguing over how to best move any decision to borrow more money until after the next election. I favor cutting off the flow of funds to this dysfunctional government and if the current posturing raises the price of borrowing I think that is a good outcome. The real crisis is the inability of our currently constituted government to make LIMITED taxing and spending decisions and the lack of will to slow the growth of the government debt.

On a slightly different topic, I am again brought back to one of the biggest issues with democracy: the tyranny of the majority. This time I am reminded of the problem by a Christian friend of mine was explaining to me how charity from the people via government was justified. I am certainly in favor of charity and do my best to help those in need. I do not, however, need the government to direct my charity or to be a middle man (and take a cut) of my charity. Despite my friend's strong belief in- and adherence to- the 10 Commandments, he doesn't see how it is THEFT when the majority forces the minority to give money to a "worthy" cause against the minority's will.

Why does it surprise anyone when the recipients of the charity vote more charity for themselves? This is the open feedback loop that is going to kill our great experiment. We are indeed on the Road to Serfdom.

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