I'm constantly telling anyone that will listen: Be very thoughtful about your online activities and about what you share online. Because, if a company doesn't seem to have a product, the product is YOU.
Facebook and Google have made incredible fortunes on that trade. And, they have accumulated power over the agenda and message that makes the Big 3 TV networks of the 1970's look like bit players. Your search results and news feeds online are not open and honest exchanges. They are centrally controlled and intentionally biased toward socialism and collectivism.
What can be done? Actively support organizations that support limited government and oppose wealth redistribution, "progressive" policies, economic interventionism, collectivism, totalitarianism, communism, socialism.
Former Haitian government official and outspoken critic of the Clinton Foundation commits suicide by gunshot to the head. Move along. Nothing to see here.
The Senate Bill offers "...Obamacare-lite: keeping the Obamacare subsidies, keeping some of the Obamacare taxes, creating a giant insurance bailout superfund, and keeping most of the Obamacare regulations.
Shame. Shame on many in the GOP for promising repeal and instead affirming, keeping, and, in some cases, expanding Obamacare. What a shame."
Exclusive – Sen. Rand Paul: Senate GOP Decides to Keep Obamacare
I miss the old days, when Republicans stood for repealing Obamacare. Republicans across the country and every member of my caucus campaigned on repeal – often declaring they would tear out Obamacare “root and branch!”
What happened?
Now too many Republicans are falling all over themselves to stuff hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ dollars into a bill that doesn’t repeal Obamacare and feeds Big Insurance a huge bailout.
Obamacare regulations? Still here. Taxes? Many still in place, totaling hundreds of billions of dollars.
Insurance company bailouts? Those, too. Remember when Republicans complained about Obamacare’s risk corridors? Remember when we called the corridors nothing more than insurance company bailouts? I remember when one prominent GOP candidate during a presidential debate explicitly called out the Obamacare risk corridors as a bailout to insurance companies. Does anyone else?
Now, the Senate GOP plan being put forward is chock full of insurance bailout money – to the tune of nearly $200 billion. Republicans, present company excluded, now support the idea of lowering your insurance premium by giving a subsidy to the insurance company.
Remarkable. If the GOP now supports an insurance stabilization fund to lower insurance prices, maybe they now support a New Car stabilization fund to lower the price of cars. Or maybe the GOP would support an iPhone stabilization fund to lower the price of phones.
The possibilities are limitless once you accept that the federal government should subsidize prices. I remember when Republicans favored the free choice of the marketplace.
The Senate Obamacare bill does not repeal Obamacare. I want to repeat that so everyone realizes why I’ll vote “no” as it stands now:
The Senate Obamacare bill does not repeal Obamacare. Not even close.
In fact, the Senate GOP bill codifies and likely expands many aspects of Obamacare.
The Senate Obamacare-lite bill codifies a federal entitlement to insurance. With the Senate GOP bill, Republicans, for the first time, will signal that they favor a key aspect of Obamacare – federal taxpayer funding of private insurance purchases.
The bill will transfer billions of dollars to people who will then transfer billions of dollars to insurance companies. What a great business model – encourage the federal government to use taxpayer money to buy a private company’s product. Great business model, that is, if you are Big Insurance. Remarkable.
The Senate Obamacare-lite bill does what the Democrats forgot to do – appropriate billions for Obamacare’s cost-sharing reductions, aka subsidies. Really? Republicans are going to fund Obamacare subsidies that the Democrats forgot to fund?
Doesn’t sound much like repeal to me. One might even argue it’s worse than Obamacare-lite because it actually creates a giant superfund to bail out the insurance companies – something even the Democrats feared to do.
I was first elected in the heady days of the Tea Party Tidal Wave, when tens of thousands of citizens gathered on the central city lawn to protest Big Government, Big Debt, and a government takeover of health care.
This citizenry won in four elections. Each time, the GOP establishment told conservatives, “We can’t repeal Obamacare until we have all three branches of government.” Finally, in 2016, that came to pass. Republicans now control all three branches of government.
And . . . the best that is offered is Obamacare-lite: keeping the Obamacare subsidies, keeping some of the Obamacare taxes, creating a giant insurance bailout superfund, and keeping most of the Obamacare regulations.
Shame. Shame on many in the GOP for promising repeal and instead affirming, keeping, and, in some cases, expanding Obamacare. What a shame.
A great interview of Randy Barnett (a Constitutional Originalist and law professor at Georgetown) on the nomination of Neil Gorsuch. As I said shortly after the election, there is reason to be optimistic. But, perhaps I should have said, "Optimistic for the first time since 1980."
Specifically, scroll down the page to the bottom (blue section). Click each of the links (and read the section) under the center heading MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Sounds a lot like, "Mint the money and defend the borders."
I have been surprised by the crazy claims in the media about the impact of Britain leaving the EU (even though I know better than to hope for thoughtful coverage). Personally, I applaud the desire to be free of the central european government. On the other hand, the existence of the EU has coincided with a long peace (by European standards) and I have to wonder how long that will last if the Empire based in Brussels comes apart.
Here is an interesting take on the decision the UK made: